The hardness is secondary. The lower density is the important method to improve the bullet-proof performance. 低密度是提高陶瓷抗弹性能的重要手段,而其他性能如硬度可以认为影响幅度相对较少。
This article, basing on the gradation comparison method to determine the acceptance index of small subsample for density of bullet and rocket, takes the uniform acceptance region method as the foundation and proposes to construct the acceptance function of the density and its evaluation criteria. 在极差比法确定弹箭密集度小子样验收指标的基础上,以等接受域法为基础,提出构造密集度验收函数及其评定准则。
The adhesion strength of stealth RAM is analyzed. According to the adhesion strength, thickness and density of stealth RAM, the simulated bullet is designed. All of these are proved by test. 分析了榴弹涂敷隐身材料的强度要求,根据要求设计粘合胶强度、RAM的厚度和密度等参数,并进行实验验证。
But when the holes number density reaches a certain level, perforation will have the shock wave with the strong impact between each other, so that is bomb interference, Drilling depth and the quality of the bullet hole is decline. 但是当孔密达到一定程度的数量时,射孔弹之间产生的冲击波在互相之间产生强烈的影响,即弹间干扰,使穿孔深度和子弹孔径的质量都有所下降。